Beginning as a small pilot program and developing into a large and diverse regional transportation resource, TransNet has come a long way since its inception in 1980. The organization has grown by being responsive to the community and consistently delivering high quality, safe, and reliable service.
TransNet is a transit option designed to provide convenient, low-cost transportation. Initially it focused on meeting the needs of senior citizens and persons with disabilities, doing so through exclusive relationships with existing Montgomery County taxicab companies. Today the organization is complex and comprehensive, the direct result of decisions made in the late 1980s. TransNet serves groups of seniors and persons with disabilities, and contracts with school districts, colleges, and private companies to offer specialized transit services and commuter shuttles.
A sophisticated, state of the art computer network enables us to streamline operations, enhance services, and produce detailed operating reports. Our staff includes quality assurance and risk management personnel tasked with ensuring safety and reliability. Vehicles are carefully monitored through strict adherence to a preventive maintenance program. Drivers are carefully screened and receive comprehensive training. Customer service representatives resolve issues quickly and initiate remedial steps to prevent recurrence. Our goal is consistently excellent, professional service.
While it is remarkable to see how far we have come, all of us at TransNet are much more excited about the role we will play tomorrow. Our determination comes from the knowledge that we are making a difference, having a positive impact on the lives of thousands of individuals in Montgomery County and environs.