To check your eligibility and register for services through FINDMyRidePA, click here.
For additional information about Find My Ride, click here.
Persons who live in Montgomery County, are 18-64 years of age, and have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are eligible to apply for this service. The days and hours of operation are the same as the Senior Citizen Shared Ride Program. The one-way fare is $4.35 or 15% of the shared ride fare whichever is higher.
Applicants must provide certification from a professional indicating that they have a disability. If an applicant is eligible for any other transportation service, he/she must use the other service instead of the PwD program, when applicable. For example, if an applicant is also eligible for the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), he/she must use that program for all medical trips.
Brochures, applications, and service policies are available in large print. To obtain, just contact TransNet at 215-542-RIDE (7433).

PwD Application Form
PwD Application (Español)
PwD Application Instructions
PwD Brochure
PwD Policies
PwD Frequently Asked Questions
Service Area, Hours and Fares
How do I know if I am Eligible for other
Transportation Services? -
GHP Family Trips Program (Geisinger)
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
PwD Advisory Committee
SEPTA - Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority - CCT Connect
FCC 711 Telecommunications Relay Service - FREE


For over 450 adults in Montgomery County who are intellectually disabled and rely on TransNet for daily transportation, getting to and from training facilities is only one of the many things we pride ourselves on. Our drivers provide sensitive and caring service, conversation and socialization that is as important to them as it is to their passengers.
Our safe, reliable and flexible transportation offerings for adults who are intellectually disabled is second to none in the Montgomery County area. For more information, contact your Support Coordinator.
TransNet also receives referrals for specialized transportation from local school districts, private camps and the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. For more information about these transportation services, contact your local school district or caseworker.
Reasonable modifications to our service may be possible to accommodate an individual with a disability provided that the modification does not result in a fundamental alteration of our service or a direct threat to the health and safety of others.
If you wish to request a reasonable modification or have a service concern, please contact our office at 215-542-RIDE (7433).
To apply for the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) program, applicants must provide certification from a professional indicating that they have a disability. If an applicant is eligible for any other transportation service, he/she must use the other service instead of the PwD program, when applicable. For example, if an applicant is also eligible for the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), he/she must use that program for all medical trips. To begin the application process, click here and mail your completed application to TransNet.
Brochures, applications, and service policies are available in large print. To obtain, contact TransNet at 215-542-RIDE (7433).