Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are Service Animals permitted on TransNet vehicles?
A: Yes. Animals in service are always permitted on TransNet vehicles.
Q: Are there any income requirements to qualify for transportation through the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) program?
A: No. Eligibility for the PwD program is not dependent on income. Providing an individual is between the ages of 18 and 64, and has a qualifying disability, they are able to receive TransNet services under that program. If you live within 3/4 mile of a SEPTA route, please refer to septa.org for more information.
Q: Can I change my trip once I am on the vehicle?
A: No. Once you are in transit to your destination, you may not change your trip. You must schedule any trip destinations through a prior day reservation. The only change that can be made to that trip is to cancel it.
Q: Can someone accompany me on my trip?
A: Yes, but they may need to pay the full fare for the trip. If you are approved to have an escort or personal care assistant travel with you to provide assistance for you, then they will pay $5.00 each way. Their origin and destination must be the same as yours. We do not provide escorts or personal care assistants. If you want someone to come along with you just as a companion, they must pay the full fare for the trip. Certified guide and service dogs may travel with you on the vehicle. This is a curb-to-curb service. Door-to-door service is available upon request.
Q: How do I register for the Program?
A: If you feel that you may qualify and would like to participate in this program, you must complete an eligibility and registration form. This form is available by calling TransNet at 215-542- RIDE (7433). You also need to provide written verification that you are a person with a disability. If you do not have any written verification, you can submit the certification of disability form, which is attached to the eligibility/registration form. A professional who is familiar with your situation must complete this form.
Q: How do I schedule a trip?
A: Once you are notified that you are eligible, call TransNet at 215-542-RIDE (7433). Reservations can be made up to 14 days in advance, but you need to call us between 7:30 am – 3:30 pm at least one day before the day you wish to travel. If you want to travel on a Monday, you need to make a reservation the prior Friday before 3:30 p.m. When you call for a reservation, please be prepared to tell us when you wish to be picked up and your exact pick up and drop off location. If you have any special travel needs or will
have an escort or service animal traveling with you, please inform the Customer Service Representative. For standing orders (repeat trips to the same location at the same time), you may make up to 2 weeks of reservations at the same time.
Q: How much does it cost to take a trip?
A: If eligible, you will receive an 85% discount on the shared ride service fare. You are responsible to pay 15% of the fare (minimum $4.00), when boarding the vehicle. You are required to have exact change for your fare. Do not forget to ask what the fare will be when you make your reservation, so you can have the exact change available.
Q: I am registered with TransNet for the Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD). Am I restricted to
a certain number of trips?
A: PwD consumers are eligible for an unlimited number of trips within the local service area. Please click here to view the service area map.
Q: What if I have a complaint about service?
A: If you are unhappy with your shared ride experience, please share that information with us. We investigate and follow up on consumer complaints as part of continuous quality improvement. Complaints are accepted by phone, in writing or through this website. For a complaint to help improve service, it must be relevant, timely, and complete. We will try to respond to your concerns promptly.
Q: What if I need to cancel my scheduled trip?
A: You must contact TransNet at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled pick up time to cancel a trip. You may cancel as many times as you like without penalty. If you fail to cancel a trip, you are considered a no- show. The first time this happens, you are not penalized. The second time, you are required to pay the full fare (100%) of the trip before any other trip reservations are made.
Q: What is a subscription trip?
A: A subscription trip is created when a consumer requests a standing trip reservation on a specific schedule. As an example, if a consumer needs transportation to work at 8:00 am, Monday through Friday, and a return trip at 5:00 pm, a subscription will be created and the consumer will not need to call TransNet to arrange for these trips each day or week. However, the consumer is responsible to call and cancel any trips that are not needed, no less than 2 hours prior to the negotiated pick-up time.
Q: What is the Persons with Disabilities Program?
A: This program provides shared ride transportation services to qualified persons with a disability as defined by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Transportation is provided at a discounted rate. This service is available only if transportation is not available through another program.
Q: When can I travel?
A: Service hours vary depending on where you live. Visit our website for more information or call TransNet at 215-542-RIDE (7433). Some trip times and destinations may only be available on a limited basis. You may need to be flexible with your travel time. Shared ride service is not an exclusive, one-person service. The availability of trips depends on the number of vehicles in an area and other trips that are scheduled.
Q: Who can use this service?
A: Any qualified resident of Montgomery County between the ages of 18-64, having a verified disability as defined by the ADA, either temporary or permanent, can use this service. If a qualified person lives or is traveling within the SEPTA or Pottstown Area Rapid Transit (PART) ADA service area, they must use complementary paratransit or public transit to reach their destination.